A brighter future awaits...
McClymonds Psychological Services, LLC
Book an Appointment
We are here to listen whenever you are ready to get started.
If you are interested in scheduling an appointment or would like to touch base, please click the chat icon below or call us at (312) 348-6296. Our working hours are Monday thru Friday from 10 am to 7 pm; and our providers usually return messages within the same day Mondays through Fridays, and at the latest the following morning.
We would be happy to address any questions or concerns, verify your insurance eligibility and benefits, and schedule an appointment. If you are interested in getting started, we can usually find an appointment time within 1-2 weeks. We are currently accepting BlueCross BlueShield, Cigna, Humana, Medicare, and United Behavioral Health/Optum.
Our providers offer therapy sessions and initial testing interview appointments both in-office and over secured video (i.e. doxy.me). The video link for online appointments can be used through your smartphone, tablet, or computer.